We’re All Feeling It


It’s easy to throw work hours out the window and get lost in the to-do’s of being a wedding photographer in summertime. People are counting on you for wedding photos they’re excited to see- that’s a lot of pressure. Most of our inquiries these days say something to the effect of “I just can’t do this anymore” and it’s a more-or-less cry for help.

We’re feeling it. Feeling the buzz of wedding season and consuming more coffee than we should. Something I asked myself at the beginning of this EBA journey, was “why?”. Our brilliant new studio manager turned our interview back on me when she asked “why?”.

The answer has many layers, but the question brought me back to the season that being a one-woman-show wedding photographer became too much. Too much travel, too many photos in my queue, and slowly getting more and more sick from stress. That’s my why. To be the help when people need it most and give clients the space in their lives to be more creative, play with their kids, or finally take advantage of the summer weather.


Why You Should Dust Off Your Blog (part 1)


Finding Balance