Finding Balance


It has been a long and hard journey that finally made me take balance in my life seriously. Being a photographer (or anyone, really), keeping everything afloat is hard. Being successful requires a level of obsession that is not sustainable long-term. There are seasons for everything. I wish the road to balance was easy and marked with more clear signs on what it looks it takes to truly live well.

You may be the person who is editing at midnight or answering emails at all times of the day or night. I was. One of the most important things is creating boundaries- not just for you, but also your clients. By letting people know you don’t send emails after 5pm on Friday, their expectations will be set and they will learn quickly that you have boundaries (which people respect).

I learned the consequences of not having balance the hard way. I ended up in the hospital, because it was all too much. I wanted to give everything I possibly could to my business and to my clients and wedding photography was my identity, because it was all I focused on all day long. I lost myself in my drive for success.

Under your shield of being the most perfect photographer is probably a really tired person. Being a photographer in incredible and such an honor, but you come first.

Being a photographer is a part of who I am and I am thankful for all of my clients who have trusted me on their wedding day. BUT- If you don’t care of yourself, it’s probably going to be difficult to give everything you can during your time with them.

My tips for balance:

• A consistent bedtime

• When I’m tired of working, I take a walk and come back to it

• I do not respond to emails on weekends (99% of the time)

• Hang out with humans and don’t be a hermit

• Get outdoors

• Ask for help when you need it




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