How do you match clients with their editor?

Photo by Sam Starns

Photo by Sam Starns

This has been a question that I’ve gotten recently from clients and editors, along with who makes this decision. I’m the one that fields all new clients, and I realized how formulaic my decision process actually is. I thought through it to share with the editors and unanimously they suggested creating a blog post about it, because even they did not know how this process works.

It’s based on four factors (in this order):

  1. Stylistic Match. Every editor has different strengths and are known to consistently please clients of that style (i.e. bright contrast, moody, over-exposed filmy-ness, warmer than the sun, etc)

  2. Queue Size in relation to an editors relative speed, especially with editors who juggle lots of things on the side (we’ve got a few side-hustlers and mamas).

  3. Communication Style / Personality Match. Our mama clients typically get matched with our mama editors– it’s just another level of understanding. Some guy clients need a guy to edit for them– it just goes over more smoothly for whatever reason.

  4. Level of Patience / Ability to Troubleshoot. These are the editors that are best at walking new clients through the process. Some of our clients don’t really know how to edit (they’ll admit it), so these clients are assigned to an editor who excels at teaching.

It’s a fun game with 20 editors and new clients coming every day, but ultimately every client is assigned to the editor best suited for them!




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