Creating the Online Storefront You Business Deserves


The goal is to attract your ideal client with design and copy that targets their needs and solves a problem that they have. Most potential brides are looking for a photographer who is like them. They may be the type of person who wears J. Crew on the daily and gets married at the fanciest place in town. They may also be someone who camps in a VW van and gets eloped on a cliffside. The work you show and the website you show it on are important.

A lot of site visitors are only on a site for meer seconds. That means that you have seconds to capture a potential lead. Details matter. You may have been saying “I’ll get to my website I haven’t updated since 2014 eventually”. Your website is your storefront. Would you leave your storefront unattended for 4 years?

It’s time to up your game and attract the clients you want in 2019. Here are a few helpful tips we learned through the process of creating Edited by Artists.

  1. Using Squarespace is kind of a given these days. Squarespace is a powerful and easy to use platform for any size business.

  2. Find a template you love. We used a template from Go Live HQ (they’re having a Black Friday sale fyi). We had the template we chose customized by our designer to fit us perfectly.

  3. Research designers until you find one who resonates with you. Moth Haus was our designer and she completely blew us away with her thoughtful design.

  4. Trust your gut when choosing your selects from your design proofs. Usually your first instinct is right. Some people say you should sleep on big decision.

  5. Copy copy copy. This is where you can add value for $0. If you’re not a writer, do yourself a favor and hire a copywriter.

  6. Show the work you want to do more of.

A peak into our process working with Moth Haus. These are all the logos that we didn’t choose.


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